2015-2016 Catalog

Anthropology and Sociology


Professor Smith, Head; Professors Schneiderman, Shulman; Associate Professors
Bissell, Kissane, Lee; Assistant Professor Salas Landa, Vora

Studying Anthropology and Sociology offers students the opportunity to gain a strong grounding in cultural difference and diversity, as well as understanding social forms and processes on a global scale. Looking beyond the surface of human relations, students develop a keen awareness of cultural and social complexity in diverse contexts around the world. From broad overviews of the field to more specialized offerings and required upper-level seminars in theory and method, A&S courses collectively allow students to build crucial skill sets, including analytic skills and critical thinking, research design and practice, qualitative and quantitative methods, clear communication and writing, group projects and presentation skills. Anthropology and Sociology classes work to expand our intellectual and geographic horizons, while preparing students for professional lives that require creative analytic and research capabilities, the capacity to work effectively in diverse or cross-cultural environments, global sophistication, effective communication, and real-world experience.

Anthropology and Sociology Courses