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2016-2017 Catalog


Neil J. McElroy 1990

B.A. (Rhodes), M.L.S. (Simmons), M.T.S. (Harvard)

Dean of Libraries

Kylie T. Bailin 2012

B.A. (Eckerd), M.E.M. (University of New South Wales); M.A.S. (Charles Sturt University)

Director, Outreach and Access Services

John H. Clark 2014

B.A. (Maine), M.S. (Pennsylvania State), M.L.I.S (Pittsburgh)

Data Visualization and GIS Librarian

James R. Griffin III 2012

B.A. (Stony Brook), M.S. (C.W. Post at Long Island University)

Digital Library Developer

Terese A. Heidenwolf 1992

B.A. (Notre Dame), M.I.L.S. (Michigan)

Acting Dean of Libraries/Director of Research and Instructional Services

Benjamin G. Jahre 2014

B.A. (Lehigh), M.S.L.S. (UNC-Chapel Hill)

Research and Instruction Librarian

Ana Ramirez Luhrs 2008

B.A. (Fairleigh Dickinson), MLIS (Rutgers)

Librarian, Kirby Library

Eric S. Luhrs 2005

B.A. (Fairleigh Dickinson), M.A. (University of Birmingham, U.K.), M.L.I.S. (Rutgers)

Head of Digital Scholarship Services

Sarah E. Morris 2015

B.A., M.L.S. (UNC, Chapel Hill)

Research and Instruction Librarian

Pamela A. Murray 2014

B.A. (University of Massachusetts), M.S.I.S. (University of Albany)

Rare Books Cataloger/Metadata Librarian

Joel V. Pearce 2014

B.A. (Grove City College), M.A. (Old Dominion), M.S.L.S. (Clarion)

Head of Technical Services

Diane W. Shaw 1985

B.A., M.L.S. (Emory)

Director for Special Collections and College Archives

Elaine M. Stomber 2011

B.A. (Lafayette)

Associate College Archivist

Lijuan Xu 2003

B.A.L.S. (Wuhan University), M.L.S. (Clarion)

Associate Director for Research and Instruction Coordinator