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2016-2017 Catalog

American Studies


Associate Professor S. Belletto (English), Chair

American Studies offers students the chance to develop valuable critical skills and diverse perspectives in the study of American culture. As a unique interdisciplinary field of study with a long intellectual tradition, American Studies seeks to empower students with combinations of useful analytical tools for exploring the complexity and diversity of American culture past and present.

American Studies encourages independence. Students have a unique opportunity to structure their own education as they study American culture and society from an interdisciplinary perspective, taking advantage of courses offered in nearly every department of the College. With guidance from program faculty, students select courses in a variety of subject areas that focus on a particular theme. The curriculum provides an introductory course in interdisciplinary study as well as seminars on a variety of topics. All seniors take a collaborative and supportive research seminar where they develop a major project on a subject in their focus area.

American Studies Courses