2018-2019 Catalog

The Minor/Certificate

Students may elect a minor/certificate program in addition to their major. A minor consists of a coherent sequence of courses, usually five or six in number, approved by the student's designated minor adviser. A minor program may be departmental or interdisciplinary in nature. An individualized minor is not available. Students must complete the minor/certificate program with an average of at least 2.00 in courses taken in the minor. In addition at least one-half the courses must be completed at Lafayette.

Normally, a student must petition for a minor program before the end of the second semester of his or her junior year. No more than three courses required (a) for the major or (b) the Common Course of Study requirements may be counted toward the minor.

Courses required for the major are defined as those specifically prescribed for the degree. Students electing a minor are encouraged to choose a minor in a different division from that of their major. No student may elect more than one minor.