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> A&S - Anthropology and Sociology
2018-2019 Catalog
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AFS - Africana Studies
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A&S - Anthropology and Sociology
ASIA - Asian Studies
BIOL - Biology
CE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
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REES - Russian and East European Studies
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A&S - Anthropology and Sociology
A&S 102
Cultural Anthropology
A&S 103
Introduction to Sociology
A&S 200
Research Methods and Design
A&S 201
Culture and the Environment
A&S 202
Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa
A&S 204
European Communities
A&S 205
African Modernities
A&S 208
Mapping Identities: Race, Ethnicity, & Residential Segregation in 1920’s Easton, PA
A&S 209
Selected Studies in Ethnography
A&S 210
Contemporary American Society
A&S 211
Symbolic Interaction
A&S 212
Sex and Gender: A Cross-Cultural View
A&S 213
Introduction to Legal Anthropology
A&S 214
Race and Ethnic Relations
A&S 216
Class, Status, and Power
A&S 217
Poverty in America
A&S 218
Political Sociology
A&S 220
Who Gets What and Why
A&S 221
Social Welfare Policy and the Safety Net
A&S 222
Medical Anthropology
A&S 223
The Anthropology of Politics
A&S 224
Self, Society, and Culture
A&S 225
A&S 226
Race, Racism, and Health in U.S. Society
A&S 227
The Family
A&S 228
A&S 229
Sociology of Sex and Gender
A&S 230
Social Memory
A&S 231
Anthropology of Education
A&S 233
Anthropology of the City
A&S 235
Business and Society
A&S 236
Sociology of Knowledge
A&S 237
The Sociology of Consumerism and Marketing
A&S 238
Gender and Popular Culture
A&S 239
Social and Cultural Change
A&S 240
Cognition and Society
A&S 241
Racial Formations in Postcolonial
A&S 242
A&S 243
Asian America
A&S 244
Rebuilding Shattered Worlds through Recollection: Engaged Anthropology and Oral Testimony
A&S 245
Mass Communications and Society
A&S 246
A&S 247
Organizations in Action
A&S 250
Anthropology of Religion
A&S 251
Muslim Girls (Run the World): Gender and Popular Culture from Prophetic Tradition to Arab Futurism
A&S 252
Bodies in Society
A&S 254
Law, Culture, and Society
A&S 255
Contemporary Society and the Cinema
A&S 259
Sociology of Disaster
A&S 258
The Anthropology of Violence
A&S 261
Global Colonialism
A&S 262
Health in the Life Course Perspective
A&S 263
Latin American Ethnography
A&S 264
Development, Aid, Activism
A&S 266
Social Determinants of Health
A&S 265
Sociology of Sports
A&S 275
Gender and Family in Modern and Contemporary Japan
A&S 301
Social Welfare Policy and the Safety Net
A&S 342
Theories of Society
A&S 370-380
Special Topics Seminar
A&S 359
Sociology of Humor
A&S 374
The Anthropology of Stuff
A&S 390-391
Independent Reading and Research
A&S 495-496
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