2018-2019 Catalog

French Major


Students are required to complete the language sequence up to and including Advanced French (FREN 101-FREN 102, FREN 111-FREN 112, and FREN 211) or demonstrate equivalent proficiency that would allow for advanced placement.

The major consists of a minimum of five courses beyond Advanced French:

FREN Two 300-level FREN courses

FREN Three 400-level FREN courses

Two 300-level FREN courses, Three 400-level FREN courses: Following completion of the language sequence, majors are required to take at least two 300-level courses and three 400-level courses, one of which must be taken during the senior year.

In some cases, approved courses other than those listed above (including those taken at other institutions) may be used to satisfy the requirements for the major.

The Department recommends that students who plan to undertake graduate work in French complete all the courses in the FREN 421, FREN 422, FREN 423, and FREN 424 sequence and, in the senior year, pursue honors work. All majors are urged to take one or more courses in Comparative Literature.