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- ECON - Economics
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AFS - Africana Studies
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ART - Art
A&S - Anthropology and Sociology
ASIA - Asian Studies
BIOL - Biology
CE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
CHE - Chemical Engineering
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CM - Computational Methods
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DS - Data Science
DOC - Documentary Storymaking
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON - Economics
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ENG - English
ES - Engineering Science
EVSC - Environmental Science
EVST - Environmental Studies
FAMS - Film and Media Studies
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IA - International Affairs
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INS - A.B. in International Studies
JAPN - Japanese
LACS - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
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MATH - Mathematics
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NEUR - Neuroscience
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PSTD - Policy Studies
PSYC - Psychology
REES - Russian and East European Studies
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RUSS - Russian
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ECON - Economics
ECON 101
Principles of Economics
ECON 202
Introduction to Environmental Economics
ECON 210
International Economics
ECON 214
Sustainable Finance
ECON 223
Money and Banking
ECON 224
Macroeconomic Data and Analysis
ECON 246
Evolutionary Game Theory
ECON 251
Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 252
Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 253
Fundamentals of Econometrics
ECON 255
Multinational Business and Corporate Social Responsibility
ECON 259
Financial Accounting and Analysis
ECON 300
Industry, Strategy, and Policy
ECON 303
Income Tax Topics
ECON 311
Causes of Financial Crises
ECON 319
Financial Theory and Analysis
ECON 320
Corporate Finance
ECON 321
ECON 322
Financial Markets
ECON 323
Money, Financial Intermediation, and the Economy
ECON 324
Options and Futures
ECON 325
Women and the Economy
ECON 327
Applied Microeconometrics
ECON 328
Labor Economics
ECON 330
Urban Economics and Public Policy
ECON 331
Industrial Organization: Market Structure and Strategy
ECON 332
Economics of Health Care
ECON 336
Behavioral Economics
ECON 337
Economic Issues in the Demand for Medical Care
ECON 338
Economics of Sports
ECON 339
The Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
ECON 340
Environmental and Resource Economics
ECON 341
Public Sector Economics
ECON 342
Public Finance
ECON 345
Political Economy
ECON 346
Economic Development
ECON 350
Economics of the European Union
ECON 351
International Monetary Systems
ECON 353
International Trade Policy
ECON 354
Contemporary African Economics
ECON 358
Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility in the Global Environment
ECON 360
Industrial Organization: Marketing to the Consumer
ECON 361
Marketing Research
ECON 364
Macro of Emerging Market Economies
ECON 365
Econometric Analysis
ECON 367
ECON 368
Advanced Monetary Policy
ECON 370-380
Special Topics
ECON 390-391
Independent Study
ECON 401
Economic Analysis of the Health Care Industry
ECON 402
Economics of Education
ECON 403
Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics
ECON 404
Big Ideas in Economics
ECON 406
Personnel Economics
ECON 407
Macroeconomic Forecasting
ECON 408
Cost-Benefit Analysis
ECON 410
Computational Simulation of Markets and Behavior
ECON 411
The Economics of Inequality
ECON 495-496
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