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2020-2021 Catalog

Prizes and Awards

The generosity of individuals, organizations, and graduating classes has made possible the following prizes awarded at Lafayette:

George Wharton Pepper Prize:

Awarded to the senior who, by vote of the faculty and students, most nearly represents the Lafayette ideal.

Africana Studies Scholastic Award:

Awarded to a student selected by Africana studies program faculty who has demonstrated academic excellence and potential for future leadership in American society.

Charles L. Albert '08 Trophy:

Given to the senior student who is judged to be the outstanding athlete of the year; name inscribed on plaque in athletic department.

John H. Allen Prize:

Awarded to the author of the best essay in public finance, as judged by a committee of the department of economics.

American Chemical Society Prize:

Given to the outstanding senior chemistry major for achievement in chemistry.

American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry:

Presented to the junior chemistry major with the greatest achievement in the study of analytical chemistry.

American Defense Preparedness Association Award:

Presented annually to a senior cadet from each ROTC department who has consistently maintained a high level of academic achievement while participating in campus activities.

American Friends of Lafayette Essay Contest:

Awarded annually for the essay on the Marquis de Lafayette that best epitomizes those qualities that earned him the title of “Hero of Two Worlds” as a soldier-statesman and humanitarian.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers Donald F. Othmer Award:

Given to a junior or senior student majoring in chemical engineering who has attained the highest grade point average for two years.

American Institute of Chemists Award:

Presented by the Philadelphia Chapter of the Pennsylvania Institute of Chemists to a senior chemistry major in recognition of a demonstrated record of leadership, character, and scholastic achievement.

American Legion General Military Excellence Award:

Presented to a cadet in the top 25 percent of his or her class in academic and ROTC subjects who has demonstrated outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship.

American Legion Scholastic Excellence Award:

Presented to a cadet in the top 10 percent of his or her academic class and the top 25 percent of the ROTC class who has demonstrated qualities of leadership and actively participated in campus student activities.

American Veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam Award:

Presented to cadets who have displayed a high level of diligence and discharge of duty and the willingness to serve both God and country.

Karl J. Ammerman Prize:

Awarded annually to the most deserving student in the mechanical engineering department, as selected by the faculty of the department.

Carl G., Jr. ’67 and Deborah B. Anderson P’01 Mechanical Engineering Prize:

Awarded to a mechanical engineering major on the strength of high academic achievement and promise for excellence in his or her career.

AROTC General Dynamics Award:

Presented to the Military Science IV Cadet who has demonstrated both outstanding scholastic achievement and superb leadership ability, and who shows great potential for a distinguished military career.

Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association Award:

Presented annually to a cadet in each ROTC unit who demonstrates excellence in leadership and academics.

Association of the United States Army Military History Award:

Presented to a cadet who has demonstrated a strong interest in and acumen regarding the study of military history. The award is a joint project of the A.U.S.A. and the U.S. Army Center for Military History.

David Fowler Atkins Jr. Prize:

Presented to the student who, in work during the junior or senior year in the department of religious studies, gives promise of future usefulness in service to religious communities.

Frank Kline Baker Spanish and Latin American Civilization Award:

Awarded to the student who attains the greatest proficiency in the study of Spanish and Latin American Civilization.

Benjamin F. Barge Mathematical Prize:

Awarded annually to first-year student(s) or sophomores in recognition of excellence in mathematics.

Benjamin F. Barge Oratorical Prize:

Presented to a member of the senior class who writes and pronounces in public competition an English oration in the best manner.

Carroll Phillips Bassett Prize:

Awarded annually to senior students deemed most outstanding by the department of civil and environmental engineering.

Carroll Phillips Bassett Prize for Juniors:

Awarded annually for outstanding work up to and including the junior year.

Paul Bernon Memorial Prize in Sociology:

Awarded each year by the faculty in the department of anthropology and sociology to the graduating senior most outstanding in sociology.

Charles L. Best Memorial Prize in A.B. Engineering:

Awarded annually to senior students who best exemplify the ideals behind the Bachelor of Arts in Engineering degree and who have demonstrated leadership in the Bachelor of Arts in Engineering program.

Bethlehem Honorary First Defenders Award:

Recognizes those cadets who are designated as distinguished military graduates.

H. MacKnight Black Poetry and Literature Prize:

Awarded annually to the student who submits the best poem or group of poems in a contest conducted by the English department.

Sanfurd G. Bluestein '42 Award:

Presented annually to a junior planning a career in medicine who, in the opinion of the Health Professions Advisory Committee, has distinguished himself or herself academically and contributed to various aspects of college life, especially through participation in athletics, student government, or music and arts programs.

Russell C. Brinker Prize in Civil Engineering:

Awarded to a junior in the civil and environmental engineering department who, in the opinion of that department’s faculty, is most deserving on the basis of self-reliance, scholarship, and student activities.

James F. Bryant '40 Excellence Award:

Awarded to a junior who meets standards of excellence, as did James F. Bryant, by demonstrating high academic achievement, lettering in at least one varsity sport, and showing noticeable and noteworthy evidence of community service.

George H. Catlin Prize:

Awarded to the senior with the highest average in the study of the classics.

Eugene P. Chase Government Prize:

Awarded annually to the student who, in the judgment of the department of government and law, has submitted the best written exposition in the field of political science during the academic year.

Eugene P. Chase Phi Beta Kappa Prize:

Awarded to a sophomore who has demonstrated scholarship as a first-year student.

Class of 1883 Prize:

Awarded to a senior who, in the opinion of the department of English faculty, has demonstrated excellence in English.

Class of 1910 Prize:

Awarded annually by the department of history to the senior who has excelled in the study of history or in an allied field of the humanities and who, in the determination of the department, manifests the greatest promise for responsible civic leadership and public service.

Class of 1913 Trophy:

Presented to the senior who has attained the greatest distinction as an athlete and a scholar.

Murray G. Clay '30 Award:

Presented to a sophomore or junior who has an outstanding academic record in engineering or science.

Burton H. Cohen Memorial Prize:

Awarded annually to a senior psychology major who, in the opinion of the selection committee, has demonstrated the inclination, intellectual curiosity, determination, and potential to become a dedicated, creative, and selfless teacher.

Lyman Coleman Prize:

Awarded annually to the senior who has demonstrated broad interest and superior performance in the department of religious studies.

College President's Award:

Awarded annually to the outstanding cadets from each class in terms of overall achievement, measured by scholastic excellence, leadership, military performance, and extracurricular involvement.

Community-Based Learning and Research Prize:

This award is given annually by the Center for Community Engagement to a senior who has made significant contributions to the community through course projects, an honors thesis, EXCEL scholar work, or some other form of academic community engagement.

Lawrence J. Conover '24 Electrical Engineering Prize:

Presented each year to a senior in electrical engineering upon recommendation of the electrical and computer engineering department.

Jean Corrie Poetry Prize:

Awarded annually to first-, second-, and third-year students who submit the best poetry in a contest conducted by the Academy of American Poets.

Professor James P. Crawford Prize in Mathematics:

Awarded to a student who has made a special contribution to the mathematics community at Lafayette by participating in and providing leadership for the cocurricular activities of the department.

Daughters of the American Revolution Award:

Presented to the senior cadet who has displayed outstanding qualities of leadership and patriotism.

Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America:

Presented annually to basic course cadets who have excelled in the ROTC program.

Frederick Knecht Detwiller Prize:

Awarded to a senior art major for distinguished work in art and art history.

Distinguished Military Graduate:

Awarded to the top 20 percent of the Military Science IV cadets who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, attained superior academic standing, and contributed to the advancement of ROTC.

Francis Shunk Downs Award:

Awarded to the senior who, in the judgment of the department of religious studies and the chaplain's office, has shown the best all-around growth and development in academic and extracurricular activities while exercising outstanding leadership and influence upon the campus.

James L. Dyson Geology Award:

The James L. Dyson Award, an award of distinction, is given to a junior who by academic achievements and character, exemplifies the ideals by which James L. Dyson lived and worked.

J. J. Ebers Memorial Award:

Given to a student selected by the department of electrical and computing engineering, based on high academic achievement and noteworthy professional interest in the field of electrical engineering.

Economics Award for Scholastic Excellence:

Awarded to a student for outstanding academic performance in economics and for leadership in departmental activities.

Charles Duncan Fraser Prize:

Awarded to seniors who, in the judgment of the department of chemical engineering, are best qualified for advanced work in materials science and engineering.

Germanoski Award

Given to a student majoring in Geology or Environmental Science who achieves high academic standing through hard work and diligence and who demonstrates a particular interest in environmental systems, earth surface processes, or hydrogeology.

Gilbert Prize:

Awarded annually to students who, in the judgment of the department of English, have demonstrated superiority in English.

Ralph Scott Grover Music Scholar Award:

Presented to a student who has achieved distinction in music scholarship.

Harold A. Hageman '39 Award:

Awarded each year to the outstanding pitcher on the baseball team.

William Forris Hart '27 Chemistry Prize:

Presented to a junior or senior chemistry major for proficiency in organic chemistry and potential for further achievement in chemistry.

Jeffrey B. Havens Memorial Prize:

Awarded to an engineering major to provide a nontraditional summer learning experience.

Guy and Joyce Hovis Award

Given to a student majoring in geology who, by dedicated effort in a rigorous academic program, has achieved distinction in science and math throughout his/her academic career, or who has come to achieve such distinction through steady improvement.

Robert F. Hunsicker Educational Prize:

Awarded to a student who has done meritorious work in the area of small-business studies.

Willis Roberts Hunt Biology Prize:

Awarded annually to the senior biology student(s) felt by the members of the department to be most deserving.

Institute of Internal Auditors Award for Excellence in Accounting-Related Studies:

Given to a student for excellence in accounting and business subjects.

Institute of Management Accountants Award:

Given to a student for excellence in accounting.

Instrument Society of America, Charles F. Homewood Scholarship:

Awarded to an outstanding senior engineering student who has demonstrated interest and aptitude in the field of instrumentation and control systems.

Henry Richard Jahn Trophy:

Awarded annually to a member of the track team who, by vote of the track team and approval of the track coach, is determined to have contributed most to the track team by virtue of leadership and ability.

Hugh H. Jones Most Valuable Player Award:

Presented to the most valuable player in football.

Clinton Kline Prize:

Awarded to the senior who has demonstrated excellence in acting, directing, or technical theater.

Paul E. Koch '28 Trophy:

Presented to the member of the Lafayette baseball team who, in the opinion of the baseball coach and director of athletics, is considered to be the most valuable member of the team.

Joseph Watt Kuebler Jr. Memorial Prize:

Presented to the senior(s) in any major who has the highest scholastic average and will be entering a medical or other health professions school (veterinary, optometry, or dental school).

Lafayette Alumni of the Lehigh Valley Performing Arts Award:

Awarded annually to a senior residing in the greater Lehigh Valley who has made a significant contribution to Lafayette's performing arts program while demonstrating strong academic achievement.

Lafayette Alumni of the Lehigh Valley Scholarship Award:

Awarded annually to a senior residing in the greater Lehigh Valley who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement.

Lehigh Valley Battalion Commanders Award:

Presented annually to outstanding cadets in each class by Army ROTC Cadre for demonstrated acumen for leadership and an aptitude for military service as an officer.

Lehigh Valley Chapter of the American Society for Metals Prize:

Awarded to an outstanding senior in materials engineering.

Lehigh Valley Section of the American Chemical Society Award:

Given by the Lehigh Valley Section of the American Chemical Society to the outstanding senior chemical engineering major for achievement in chemistry.

Lehigh Valley Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award:

Presented to a senior in chemical engineering who has compiled an impressive academic record and who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in one or more extracurricular activities.

Lehigh Valley Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers Outstanding Senior Award:

Awarded to a senior engineering student who exhibits outstanding scholastic ability as well as involvement in extracurricular activities.

Lehigh Valley Section of the American Society of Materials Award:

Awarded annually to the student who has attained the most impressive record in the introductory materials course.

Leopard Medal:

Awarded to a first-year cadet who contributes the most to the advancement of Army ROTC at Lafayette College, and is academically in the top 10 percent of the ROTC class and the top 25 percent of his or her academic class; made possible through the generous contributions of Harry M. Jones '66, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Retired.

Francis A. March Fellowship:

Given to a senior who has distinguished himself or herself in English studies and who has been admitted to a graduate school approved by the department of English.

Maroon Club Student Award:

Presented to a senior male and a senior female athlete based equally upon academic achievement, athletic accomplishments, and campus/community service.

General George C. Marshall Award:

Awarded by the George C. Marshall Foundation in recognition of attainment as the outstanding student in military studies and leadership in the tradition of this country's citizen soldier as exemplified by the career of Gen. George C. Marshall.

J. H. Tarbell Award:

Awarded to a student who demonstrates an understanding of financial operations and institutions.

Dr. E. L. McMillen-K. K. Malhotra '49 Prize:

Awarded to a junior(s) who has attained a high cumulative average in chemical engineering and who has demonstrated a high level of proficiency in the Unit Operations Laboratory.

Mechanical Engineering Design Award:

Awarded to a senior mechanical engineering student for an outstanding senior capstone design project.

Mechanical Engineering Faculty Award:

Awarded by the mechanical engineering faculty to an outstanding mechanical engineering senior who has demonstrated superior knowledge of the discipline and shows promise in the practice of the profession.

Merck Index Award:

Given to a senior for superior academic work in chemistry and promise of future excellence.

Ted and Georgia Metropolis Award

Given to a junior or senior Geology major who has exhibited high academic achievement and demonstrated enthusiasm for geology and environmental geoscience both in class and outside the classroom, and through service.

Military Order of the Purple Heart Award:

Presented annually to cadets for military and scholastic excellence by the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.

Military Order of the World Wars Leadership Award:

Presented by the Philadelphia chapter ot the cadet who best exemplifies the spirit of ROTC leadership.

Military Order of the World Wars Ribbon:

Presented annually to outstanding cadets who have shown the most improvement in military and scholastic studies during the school year.

Military Science Cadre Award:

Presented annually to a senior army cadet from each campus who has exhibited outstanding qualities of leadership and an aptitude for military service as recognized by his/her instructors and who serves as an example of the kind of officer the cadre endeavors to produce.

Wesley S. Mitman Prize:

Awarded to the senior most outstanding in mathematics.

Arthur Montgomery Geology Award:

Awarded annually to a student of high academic achievement with a special interest in mineralogy and petrology in honor of Arthur Montgomery, professor of geology from 1951-75.

National Guard of Pennsylvania Award:

Presented to a graduating cadet who is entering or is a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard for outstanding attitude and motivation, academic achievement, leadership, and overall ROTC achievement.

National Sojourners Award:

Awarded to a sophomore or junior Military Science cadet who encourages American ideals by deed or conduct, demonstrates outstanding leadership, and achieves academic excellence.

Donald U. Noblett Prize in Chemical Engineering:

Given to a chemical engineering major based on high academic achievement, with outstanding promise of future excellence in his or her career.

Vivian B. Noblett Prize in Studio Art:

Awarded to an art major with preference given to a student with an interest in studio art who has demonstrated proficiency in painting and drawing and who shows potential for future achievements.

Minerva and Emil V. Novak Prize in Government and Law:

Presented annually to a student majoring in the department of government and law, based on overall excellence in academic work and citizenship in the campus community.

Louise M. Olsted Prize in Ethics:

Awarded to a student who, in the judgment of the members of the department of philosophy, has done outstanding work in theoretical ethics, applied ethics, or a related field.

Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Award:

Given to a graduating senior for excellence in accounting and for participation in college and community affairs.

James Alexander Petrie Prize in French:

Awarded annually to a student demonstrating a high degree of proficiency in French.

Reverend J. W. and R. S. Porter Bible Prize:

Awarded annually to students judged by the department of religious studies to have demonstrated high proficiency in the study of religion, based upon work done in their first and second years.

David A. Portlock Memorial Prize:

Awarded annually to an outstanding student receiving Lafayette grant aid who will benefit most from studying abroad.

William C. Rappolt ’67 and Walter Oechsle ’57 Neuroscience Prize:

Awarded to an outstanding senior based on scholarship in the classroom and laboratory and service to the major, College, or community.

John D. Raymond Music Award:

Awarded annually by the department of music to a deserving music student.

Reserve Officers Association Award:

Presented to the Military Science II, III, and IV cadets who have displayed exceptional leadership and academic performance.

Retired Officers Association Award:

Presented to the Military Science II, III, IV cadets who have displayed exceptional leadership and academic performance.

Rexroth Prize in German:

Awarded to a student for meritorious achievement in German.

Herbert W. Rogers Psychology Prize:

Awarded annually to the outstanding senior psychology major(s) judged by the department to be the most deserving.

James P. Schwar Prize:

Awarded annually in honor of James P. Schwar, professor of computer science from 1962-2000, to a deserving computer science student.

Dr. and Mrs. David Schwimmer '35 Prize in Honor of Theodore A. Distler:

Awarded annually to the pre-medical student who, in the opinion of the Health Professions Advisory Committee, best represents the humanitarian, cultural, and scientific qualities required of the true physician.

David Bishop Skillman 1913 Library Prize:

Awarded to a graduating senior library assistant who by his/her exemplary performance, skill and dedication has enhanced the library's educational role.

Finley W. and Ethelwyne H. Smith Electronic Engineering Prize:

Awarded annually to the electrical and computer engineering senior who has earned, at the end of the junior year, the highest cumulative average attained by any senior who is working for departmental honors with a project in the electronics or communications field.

Society of American Military Engineers NYC Post Scholarship:

Awarded to engineering students enrolled in Military Science to continue their educational studies.

Society for Applied Spectroscopy Prize:

Awarded to a senior in the department of chemistry.

Society of the War of 1812 Award:

Presented annually to sophomore ROTC cadets who encourage and demonstrate the ideals of Americanism by deed, conduct, or both.

Sons of American Revolution Award:

Emphasizes the importance of perpetuating the principles of government established by the colonial statesmen. It honors cadets for outstanding leadership qualities, military bearing, and excellence.

Carl J. Staska Prize:

Awarded each year to a student who has demonstrated a high degree of proficiency in chemical laboratory skills.

Superior Cadet Award:

Awarded to Military Science cadets who are the top cadets in their respective ROTC classes.

William G. McLean Tau Beta Pi Prize:

Awarded to a sophomore engineering student based on academic performance, campus citizenship, and professional orientation.

Track Prize:

Presented by the department of athletics to the ideal Lafayette track and field or cross-country team member in memory of Peter Crampton.

Paul Tully Memorial Prize:

Presented to the student who best exemplifies the progressive principles of social and political serviceædemocratic ideals to which Paul Tully devoted his life.

Professor Carolynn Van Dyke Prize:

Awarded annually to a student majoring in any subject, preference for computer science, to provide funds for a nontraditional learning experience.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Award:

Presented to outstanding cadets who are actively engaged in the ROTC program and who possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership.

B. Vincent Viscomi Civil Engineering Prize:

Awarded to a civil engineering student based on demonstrated academic achievement and leadership during his or her first three years at Lafayette.

Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award:

Given to a student whose academic performance in economics is considered exceptional.

J. Hunt Wilson '05 Prize in Analytical Chemistry:

Awarded annually to the senior chemistry major with the highest ranking in courses and research.

Luther F. Witmer Prize:

Awarded annually to the senior with the most outstanding accomplishments in materials science and engineering.

T. Gordon Yates '29 Award for Swimming:

Awarded annually to the most improved male and female swimmers as determined by the swimming coaches and the director of athletics.

Thomas G. Yohe Memorial Prize in Studio Art:

Awarded to a student who displays creativity in drawing and illustration.

Class of 1884 R. B. Youngman Greek Prize:

Awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated a high degree of proficiency in Greek.