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2020-2021 Catalog

Art Major (Class of 2020, 2021)


The major consists of a minimum of 10 courses:

Including four introductory courses in art history and drawing:

ART 101Introduction to Art History I

ART 102Introduction to Art History II

ART 140Art and Architecture of World Traditions: Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Oceania

ART 109Drawing I

One additional studio elective

Five additional courses

Additional courses are chosen from offerings in art history or studio art.

Students emphasizing art history must take a 300-level seminar, AND one non-Western art history course (ART 128, ART 216, ART 240, ART 241, or ART 242) is strongly recommended.

Students emphasizing studio art must take ART 206 and ART 306. (Students in the Class of 2017 may replace ART 306 with a 300-level Art elective.)

Study of at least one foreign language through the intermediate level is strongly recommended for those contemplating graduate study in art history. The department is committed to strong student advising and may recommend courses in other departments based on the programmatic needs of individual students.

This page reflects the requirements for completing this major. General graduation requirements for all students can be found here.