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2020-2021 Catalog

Classical Civilization Minor


The minor consists of a minimum of six courses:

Either three language courses in Latin and/or Greek or three courses in Classical Civilizations; and three approved electives selected in consultation with the program chair.

Classical Civilizaton Electives

ART 101Introduction to Art History I

ART 221Ancient Art

CLSS 103Classical Mythology

CLSS 220From Aeschylus to Woody Allen: Greek Tragedy and Beyond

CLSS 225Ancient Science and Medicine: Greek and Latin Terminology and Scientific Culture

CLSS 230Insiders and Outsiders in Ancient Rome

CLSS 320Greeks and Barbarians

CLSS 335Roman Technology and Engineering

INDS 214Journey to Rome: Approaching and Exploring the Eternal City

PHIL 214First Philosophers

REL 202Christian Scriptures

REL 213Judaism: Faith, Communities, Identity

Language Electives

GRK 101Elementary Greek I

GRK 102Elementary Greek II

GRK 111Intermediate Greek I

GRK 112Intermediate Greek II

LAT 101Elementary Latin I

LAT 102Elementary Latin II

LAT 111Intermediate Latin I

LAT 112Intermediate Latin II

LAT 211Advanced Latin