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2020-2021 Catalog

Government and Law Major


The major consists of a minimum of 10 courses:

Three introductory courses from:

GOVT 101Introduction to United States Politics

GOVT 102Introduction to International Politics

GOVT 103Introduction to Comparative Politics

GOVT 104Introduction to Political Theory

Two seminar courses:

Two 400-level seminars


One 400-level seminar


Honors thesis

Five additional courses:

GOVT Five additional Government and Law electives

Introductory Courses/Subfields

Exposure to each of the four subfields required (United States Politics, International Politics, Comparative Politics, Political Theory) AND exposure beyond the introductory level in at least three of the subfields:

United States Politics:

GOVT 101Introduction to United States Politics

GOVT 207Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics

GOVT 211State and Local Government and Politics

GOVT 213Law and Society

GOVT 215Campaigns and Elections in the U.S.

GOVT 218Politics of Public Policy

GOVT 245Early American Political Thought

GOVT 258Political Opinion and Participation in the U.S.

GOVT 310Politics, Policy, and Law in American Federalism

GOVT 311Constitutional Law and Politics in the United States

GOVT 313First Amendment in the United States: Law and Politics

GOVT 314Liberty in the United States: Law and Politics

GOVT 315Equality in the United States: Law and Politics

GOVT 320The Presidency and Executive Politics

GOVT 321Congress and the Legislative Process

GOVT 401Representation, Apportionment and Democratic Participation

GOVT 407Law and Social Movements

GOVT 410Personality and Supreme Court Decision Making

GOVT 421American Political Economy

International Politics:

GOVT 102Introduction to International Politics

GOVT 220The United States and Latin American Relations

GOVT 230International Politics of the Middle East and Persian Gulf

GOVT 231Global Environmental Politics

GOVT 232

GOVT 238East Asian International Relations

GOVT 270Chinese Foreign Policy

GOVT 331Politics of the European Union

GOVT 332Globalization and Security

GOVT 334American Security Policy

GOVT 336International Conflict

GOVT 405US Foreign Policy in a Changing World

GOVT 412Politics of European Integration

GOVT 415Nationalism in World Politics

GOVT 419Global Governance

Comparative Politics:

GOVT 103Introduction to Comparative Politics

GOVT 223Politics of Africa

GOVT 225Politics of Russia, the Other Post-Soviet States, and Eastern Europe

GOVT 226Political Regimes and Regime Change

GOVT 227Latin American Political History from the Conquest to the Present

GOVT 228Democratization and Democratic Breakdown

GOVT 230International Politics of the Middle East and Persian Gulf

GOVT 412Politics of European Integration

GOVT 415Nationalism in World Politics

GOVT 420Issues in Contemporary Latin American Politics

Political Theory:

GOVT 104Introduction to Political Theory

GOVT 241The Politics of Fashion

GOVT 242African American Political Thought

GOVT 244Modern Political Theory

GOVT 245Early American Political Thought

GOVT 246Recent American Political Thought

GOVT 248Capitalism and its Critics

GOVT 341Contemporary Political Thought

GOVT 414Political Thought through Literature

GOVT 416Critical Theory: Power and Resistance

GOVT 418Locked Out, Locked In: Citizenship and its Discontents

Prerequisite for 200- and 300-level courses in this group: GOVT 104, or permission of instructor.


GOVT 401Representation, Apportionment and Democratic Participation

GOVT 405US Foreign Policy in a Changing World

GOVT 407Law and Social Movements

GOVT 410Personality and Supreme Court Decision Making

GOVT 412Politics of European Integration

GOVT 414Political Thought through Literature

GOVT 415Nationalism in World Politics

GOVT 416Critical Theory: Power and Resistance

GOVT 418Locked Out, Locked In: Citizenship and its Discontents

GOVT 419Global Governance

GOVT 420Issues in Contemporary Latin American Politics

General Courses:

GOVT 309Scope and Methods of Political Science

GOVT 380Internship

GOVT 390-391Independent Study

GOVT 495-496Thesis

Coordinate majors: Government and Law with Religion, and Foreign Languages and Literatures.

This page reflects the requirements for completing this major. General graduation requirements for all students can be found here