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2020-2021 Catalog

Mathematics, B.S. Major


The program consists of a minimum of 13 major courses and 3 collateral courses:

MATH 161Calculus I

MATH 162Calculus II

MATH 263Calculus III

MATH 290Transition to Theoretical Mathematics

MATH 300Vector Spaces

MATH 351Abstract Algebra I

MATH 356Introduction to Real Analysis


MATH 400Senior Seminar


MATH 495-496Thesis


MATH Five MATH electives

Five additional Mathematics electives: Must be numbered 300 or higher. At least one 300-level elective must have MATH 351 or MATH 356 as a prerequisite. MATH 264 or MATH 282 may replace one 300-level elective.

Collateral courses

PHYS 131Physics I: Mechanics


PHYS 151Accelerated Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics


PHYS 133Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism, and Waves


PHYS 152Accelerated Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics


CS 104Introduction to Game Programming


CS 105Digital Media Computing


CS 106Personal Robotics


CM 151Introduction to Computational Science

This page reflects the requirements for completing this major. General graduation requirements for all students can be found here