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2022-2023 Catalog

Advanced Placement

Lafayette participates in the Advanced Placement examination program of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). Candidates interested in receiving course credit and placement in advanced classes should take the AP examinations given in May of each year. A score of either 4 or 5 on most examinations, and 3 or above on selected others, will earn course credit and advanced placement. The Lafayette faculty determine score assignments each spring. It is possible to receive sophomore standing with sufficient scores.

Lafayette cannot grant any AP credit without possession of the official AP score report from the CEEB before the end of the student's sophomore year at the College.

International Baccalaureate

The official results of the higher level examinations of the International Baccalaureate are considered for academic course credits at Lafayette. The acceptable score level is 5 or higher in all subjects. The amount of credit is determined by each department. No credit is given for subsidiary level examinations.

Students awarded the full IB diploma with results of 5 or above on all higher level and subsidiary level examinations, and results of C or above on both the Theory of Knowledge course and the Extended Essay, may apply for sophomore standing after arriving on campus. Students approved for sophomore standing receive between six to eight course credits, including up to two free elective credits (undesignated or INDS 098). Students who receive sophomore standing may not be awarded more than eight course credits and must complete the First-Year Seminar (FYS) as a graduation requirement. Free electives may not be used for major or distribution requirements.

A number of subjects in the IB program do not have a direct Lafayette course equivalent. Credit for higher level examination results in these areas is not guaranteed. If no departmental sponsor can be found for the subject, results of 5 or higher in these areas may be awarded as free elective course work (undesignated or INDS 098). Credits count toward the requirements for sophomore status as noted in the section above.

Academic Scholarships

Lafayette recognizes its most outstanding applicants with merit-based awards named for the Marquis. Recipients of Marquis Awards display the Marquis de Lafayette’s ideals of global citizenship, scholarly pursuits, leadership, and concern for others.

Applicants interested in the Marquis Awards Program are highly encouraged to interview as a part of their application process. In addition to the monetary award, students have additional access to faculty mentors and are eligible to participate in special events and activities, including cultural opportunities. Those seeking financial aid and whose demonstrated need exceeds the amount of their Marquis Award will receive a financial aid award, inclusive of the Marquis Award, up to demonstrated need. Applicants seeking need-based aid must submit the required documents by the deadlines.

Marquis Fellowship And Marquis Scholarship

The College increased the size of merit-based awards beginning with the class of 2024, transforming the Marquis Fellowship into an award valued at full-tuition ($55,874) and the Marquis Scholarship into an award valued at half-tuition ($27,937). The College expects to enroll 10 students as Fellows and another 50 as Scholars among the first-year students arriving in the fall.

Some applicants who are eligible for a Marquis Award will be invited to campus in late winter to participate in a dynamic selection process. The majority of Marquis winners, however, will be selected solely on the merits presented in their application.

Students admitted under both Early Decision and Regular Decision are considered for the Marquis Awards. Early decision applicants designated as Scholars will be notified at the time of admission. All Fellowship recipients (Early Decision and Regular Decision), as well as all Regular Decision candidates who are designated as Scholars, will be notified in mid-March upon receipt of their acceptance to the College.

Please note that only first year applicants to the College are considered for this scholarship and that process occurs at the time of their application for admission. Selection is based on the student's academic record prior to enrolling at Lafayette.