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- HIST - History
2022-2023 Catalog
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AFS - Africana Studies
AGS - Aging Studies
AMS - American Studies
ARB - Arabic
ART - Art
A&S - Anthropology and Sociology
ASIA - Asian Studies
BIOL - Biology
CE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CL - Comparative Literature
CLSS - Classics
CM - Computational Methods
CS - Computer Science
DS - Data Science
DOC - Documentary Storymaking
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON - Economics
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EGRS - Engineering Studies
ENG - English
ES - Engineering Science
EVSC - Environmental Science
EVST - Environmental Studies
FAMS - Film and Media Studies
FLL - Foreign Languages and Literatures
FREN - French
FYS - First Year Seminar
GEOL - Geology and Environmental Geosciences
GERM - German
GOVT - Government and Law
GRK - Greek
HEBR - Hebrew
HIST - History
IA - International Affairs
INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INS - A.B. in International Studies
JAPN - Japanese
JS - Jewish Studies
LACS - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LAT - Latin
MATH - Mathematics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MS - Military Science
MUS - Music
NEUR - Neuroscience
ORGS - Organizational Studies
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PSTD - Policy Studies
PSYC - Psychology
REES - Russian and East European Studies
REL - Religious Studies
RUSS - Russian
SPAN - Spanish
THTR - Theater
WGS - Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
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HIST - History
HIST 105
History of the Modern World
HIST 113
Jacksonian Democracy
HIST 114
Food Histories in the Americas
HIST 115
The Crusades
HIST 118
The Cold War
HIST 119
Race and Ethnicity in the United States
HIST 120
History in Pictures
HIST 121
Partition of the Indian Subcontinent
HIST 122
European Race-Making from Columbus to Abolition
HIST 123
Magic + Miracles: Medieval Religion
HIST 201
History of Ancient Greece
HIST 202
History of Ancient Rome
HIST 206
The Politics and Practice of History
HIST 207
The Middle East (600-1200): The Islamic Enterprise
HIST 208
The Middle East (1200-1700): Arabs, Crusaders, Mongols, Turks and More
HIST 209
The Middle East (1700-2003): Empires, Nations, East" and "West""
HIST 212
The Middle East in the Mind of America, America in the Mind of the Middle East
HIST 214
Africa History: 1800-present
HIST 215
History of Technology
HIST 216
Modern South Africa
HIST 217
Settler Colonialism in World History
HIST 221
Rome to Renaissance: Medieval Europe
HIST 222
Reformation to Revolution: Early Modern Europe
HIST 225
From Revolution to European Union: Modern European History
HIST 226
Sex in Modern Europe
HIST 227
Race and Migration in Modern Europe
HIST 231
Capitalism Takes Command: U.S. History, 1840-1940
HIST 232
American Revolution and Civil War: A Political History
HIST 235
From Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter
HIST 236
Recent America: The Great Depression - 2001
HIST 238
Global Stimulants: Histories of Coffee, Tea, and Yerba Mate
HIST 241
History, Art, and Culture of Russia and Eastern Europe
HIST 243
Imperial Russia
HIST 244
Russia from Lenin to Putin
HIST 245
Latin America: The Colonial Period
HIST 246
Latin America: The National Period
HIST 248
East Asia's Last Dynasties: Japan, Korea and China, 1600-1900
HIST 249
20th Century East Asia: Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism in China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan
HIST 250
Japan Goes to War 1895-1945
HIST 251
Muslim Girls (Run the World): Gender and Popular Culture from Prophetic Tradition to Arab Futurism
HIST 252
Transformation of the American Environment
HIST 258
U.S. Constitutional History
HIST 261
Slavery in the Americas
HIST 266
Modern South Asia
HIST 267
The Mughal Empire in South Asia
HIST 276
Conquest: A History
HIST 280
Internship in History
HIST 290-291
Independent Study
HIST 310
Colloquium: Human Rights and Modern War
HIST 320
Colloquium: Islam in the Modern World
HIST 330
Gender and Sexuality in Medieval Europe
HIST 340
Advanced Seminar in South African History and Culture
HIST 345
Colloquium: Histories of Argentina (and its Neighbors)
HIST 350
France from the Margins: History of Modern France
HIST 354
Seminar: 1968 - Year of Global Rebellion
HIST 355
Global South Asia: Empire, Migration and Diaspora
HIST 359
Abolitionist and Civil Rights Movements in Early American History
HIST 365
American Technological Development
HIST 368
Seminar in Latin American History
HIST 371
Seminar: Native American History
HIST 373
The Early Ottoman Empire: People(s), State and Society
HIST 375
Seminar in African History
HIST 495-496
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