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2022-2023 Catalog

Certificate in Financial Policy and Analysis


The certificate consists of a minimum of nine courses:

ECON 101Principles of Economics

ECON 251Intermediate Microeconomics

ECON 259Financial Accounting and Analysis

ECON 319Financial Theory and Analysis


MATH 141Differential Calculus and Economic Modeling


MATH 161Calculus I


Approved Statistics course

Category A Elective

Choose one:

CS 104Introduction to Game Programming

CS 105Digital Media Computing

CM 151Introduction to Computational Science

MATH 272Linear Algebra with Applications

ECON 300/PSTD 300 and ECON 358 may not be used as Category A electives effective with the Class of 2022.

Category B Electives

Choose two:

ECON 320Corporate Finance

ECON 321Investments

ECON 323Money, Financial Intermediation, and the Economy

ECON 324Options and Futures

MATH 347Financial Mathematics

For information on the joint major in Mathematics and Economics, refer to the Mathematics and Economics major.