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2023-2024 Catalog

International Baccalaureate

The official results of the higher level examinations of the International Baccalaureate are considered for academic course credits at Lafayette. The acceptable score level is 5 or higher in all subjects. The amount of credit is determined by each department. No credit is given for subsidiary level examinations.

Students awarded the full IB diploma with results of 5 or above on all higher level and subsidiary level examinations, and results of C or above on both the Theory of Knowledge course and the Extended Essay, may apply for sophomore standing after arriving on campus. Students approved for sophomore standing receive between six to eight course credits, including up to two free elective credits (undesignated or INDS 098). Students who receive sophomore standing may not be awarded more than eight course credits and must complete the First-Year Seminar (FYS) as a graduation requirement. Free electives may not be used for major or distribution requirements.

A number of subjects in the IB program do not have a direct Lafayette course equivalent. Credit for higher level examination results in these areas is not guaranteed. If no departmental sponsor can be found for the subject, results of 5 or higher in these areas may be awarded as free elective course work (undesignated or INDS 098). Credits count toward the requirements for sophomore status as noted in the section above.