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2016-2017 Catalog

English Major, Literature Concentration (Classes of 2016)

The literature concentration within the English major is the traditional English major. It reflects a strong commitment to the major periods, authors, and forms. Students explore various critical methods, theories, and cultural traditions.


The major consists of a minimum of nine courses:

ENG 205Seminar in Textual Practices

One course from:

ENG 206Literary History

ENG 207

ENG 210English Literature I

ENG 211English Literature II

ENG 212American Literature I: Origins to Civil War

ENG 213American Literature II: The Gilded Age to the Present

Seven English electives:

ENG Seven English Electives

Five of the seven ENG electives must be numbered 300 or above.

No more than one semester of independent study or thesis may be counted among the seven. ENG 100 (Intro to Academic Writing), ENG 202 (Writing Seminar), and ENG 272-273 (Internship) do not count toward the literature concentration.