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2016-2017 Catalog

Geology, B.S. Major, Geology Track

Requirements for Geology Track

The major consists of a minimum of 11 major courses and 5 collateral courses:

One course in Physical Geology:

GEOL 100Introduction to Geology: From Fire to Ice

GEOL 110Introduction to Geology: Environmental Geology

GEOL 120Introduction to Geology: Geological Disasters-Agents of Chaos

GEOL 150 The Geologic Evolution of the Hawaiian Islands

GEOL 160Geology from A (Arches) to Z (Zion): The Geology of National Parks in the Western United States

GEOL 170Geological and Paleobiological Evolution of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands

One course in Earth History:

GEOL 115Introduction to Geology: Earth-Evolution of a Habitable Planet

GEOL 130Introduction to Geology: Dinosaurs, Darwin, and Deep Time

GEOL 160Geology from A (Arches) to Z (Zion): The Geology of National Parks in the Western United States

Additional required courses:

GEOL 200Earth and Planetary Materials


GEOL 205Oceanography


GEOL 315Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography


GEOL 215Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

GEOL 300Earth Surface Processes

GEOL 307Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

GEOL 317Structure and Tectonics of the Earth

Three department approved technical electives-with at least one 200-level or above geology course


MATH 125Modeling and Differential Calculus


MATH 186Applied Statistics


MATH 161Calculus I


MATH 162Calculus II


MATH 161Calculus I


MATH 186Applied Statistics


CHEM 121General Chemistry I


CHEM 122General Chemistry II


GEOL 321Geochemistry


PHYS 111General Physics-Mechanics and Thermodynamics


PHYS 131Physics I: Mechanics


PHYS 151Accelerated Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Department approved technical electives: With at least one 200-level or above geology course.

The Common Course of Study is required.