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2016-2017 Catalog

Religion and Politics Major (Classes of 2016 and 2017)


American Politics and Theory Track

The major consists of a minimum of 15 courses:

GOVT 101Introduction to United States Politics

GOVT 104Introduction to Political Theory

GOVT 401-418 One GOVT Seminar

REL 101Religions in World Cultures

REL 102Contemporary Religious Issues

REL 222Interreligious Cooperation and Conflict

REL 231Religions in American History and Culture

REL 240Theories of Religion

REL One 300-level REL elective

Four GOVT electives from:

GOVT 207Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics

GOVT 211State and Local Government and Politics

GOVT 213Law and Society

GOVT 215Campaigns and Elections in the U.S.

GOVT 241The Politics of Fashion

GOVT 243Ancient and Medieval Political Theory

GOVT 244Modern Political Theory

GOVT 245Early American Political Thought

GOVT 246Recent American Political Thought

GOVT 248Capitalism and its Critics

GOVT 258Political Opinion and Participation in the U.S.

GOVT 310Politics, Policy, and Law in American Federalism

GOVT 311Constitutional Law and Politics in the United States

GOVT 313First Amendment in the United States: Law and Politics

GOVT 314Liberty in the United States: Law and Politics

GOVT 320The Presidency and Executive Politics

GOVT 321Congress and the Legislative Process

GOVT 341Contemporary Political Thought

One REL elective from:

REL 201The Biblical Imagination: Torah, Prophets, Writings

REL 202Christian Scriptures

REL 214Christianity: From Jesus to the Third Millennium

REL 217Latina/o Religions: Not Just Catholicism

REL 236African Diasporic Religions in the Americas

REL 237Contemporary Catholic Issues in the United States

REL 238

And one of the following:

GOVT 495-496Thesis

REL 495-496Honors Thesis

Joint thesis in Government and Law and Religious Studies

GOVT 390-391Independent Study

REL 390-391Independent Study

International Track

The major consists of a minimum of 15 courses:

GOVT 102Introduction to International Politics

GOVT 103Introduction to Comparative Politics

GOVT 401-418 One GOVT Seminar

REL 101Religions in World Cultures

REL 102Contemporary Religious Issues

REL 222Interreligious Cooperation and Conflict

REL 240Theories of Religion

REL One 300-level REL elective

Four GOVT electives from:

GOVT 221

GOVT 223Politics of Africa

GOVT 225Politics of Russia, the Other Post-Soviet States, and Eastern Europe

GOVT 227Latin American Politics

GOVT 230International Politics of the Middle East and Persian Gulf

GOVT 231Global Environmental Politics

GOVT 232

GOVT 234

GOVT 235International Law and Organization

GOVT 270Chinese Foreign Policy

GOVT 329The Politics of Social Movements

GOVT 331Politics of the European Union

GOVT 332Globalization and Security

GOVT 334American Security Policy

GOVT 336International Conflict

Two REL electives from:

REL 207The Quran

REL 211Hinduism: Unities and Diversity

REL 212Buddhism: From India to Asia and Beyond

REL 213Judaism: Faith, Communities, Identity

REL 214Christianity: From Jesus to the Third Millennium

REL 215Islam: History, Faith, and Practice

REL 216Religions in Africa: Contemporary and Historical Expressions

REL 227Religion and the Environment

REL 228Religion and Politics in Africa

REL 232Religions in Latin America

And one of the following:

GOVT 495-496Thesis

REL 495-496Honors Thesis

Joint thesis in Government and Law and Religious Studies

GOVT 390-391Independent Study

REL 390-391Independent Study

Thesis/Independent Study work must be done under the direction of at least one faculty member in each department.