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2017-2018 Catalog

Policy on Statute of Limitations for Students

All graduation requirements shall normally be met in a time period not to exceed six years following admission to junior status. In the case of hardship, a petition for one additional year may be submitted to the Academic Progress Committee after consultation with the Dean of Advising and the major adviser or department head. Ordinarily, no extensions will be granted beyond the seventh year.

1. To meet expectations of appropriate and current preparation for upper-level work within the major program, a time period not to exceed five years shall be permitted between the completion of a prerequisite course (including transfer credit) and the initiation of the required course for which it is specified. Students who wish to appeal this rule may file a petition to the Academic Progress Committee after having consulted with their major department.

2. If a part-time student fails to maintain minimum progress (two courses in the curriculum successfully completed in 12 months), the student's progress will be reviewed by the Academic Progress Committee, who may then recommend to the Dean of Advising that the student be required to withdraw. Reinstatement to the program is not automatic and will depend on evidence that a student will be able to make reasonable progress in subsequent work. An interview will be required before reinstatement. If a student withdraws from the program for any reason (academic or personal), she or he must meet with the Dean of Advising staff and her or his departmental academic adviser or academic department head before reinstatement. They will make a recommendation to the Dean of Advising concerning reinstatement.

3. If a student must repeat a passing course, both courses will appear on the permanent record and grades for both will be included in the cumulative grade point average.  Course credit will only be awarded once.