2017-2018 Catalog - Programs of Study
2017-2018 Catalog
AB International Studies/BS Engineering Major
Africana Studies Major
Anthropology and Sociology Major
Art Major
Asian Studies Major
Biochemistry, A.B. Major
Biochemistry, B.S. Major
Biology, A.B. Major
Biology, B.S. Major
Chemical Engineering, B.S. Major
Chemistry, A.B. Major
Chemistry, B.S. Major
Civil Engineering, B.S. Major
Computer Science, A.B. Major
Computer Science, B.S. Major
Economics Certificate in Financial Policy and Analysis
Economics Major
Electrical and Computer Engineering, B.S. Major
Engineering, A.B. Major
English Major, Literature Concentration
English Major, Writing Concentration
Environmental Studies, A.B. Major
Environmental Science, B.S. Major
Film and Media Studies Major
French Major
Geology, A.B. Major
Geology, B.S. Major, Environmental Geosciences Track
Geology, B.S. Major, Geology Track
German Major
Government and Law Major
Government & Law and Foreign Languages, French Track Major
Government & Law and Foreign Languages, German Track Major
Government & Law and Foreign Languages, Spanish Track Major
History Major
Interim Program/On Campus
Interim Program/Study Abroad
International Affairs Major
Mathematics, A.B. Major
Mathematics and Economics, A.B. Joint Major
Mathematics, B.S. Major
Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Major
Music Major
Neuroscience, B.S. Major
Philosophy Major
Physics, A.B. Major
Physics, B.S. Major (Classes of 2018 and beyond)
Physics Major with an Astronomy Concentration
Policy Studies Major
Psychology, A.B. Major (Class of 2018)
Psychology, A.B. Major (Class of 2019 and beyond)
Psychology, B.S. Major (Class of 2018)
Psychology, B.S. Major (Class of 2019 and beyond)
Religion and Politics Major
Religious Studies Major
Russian and East European Studies Major
Spanish Major
Theater Major
Women’s and Gender Studies Major