2017-2018 Catalog

Russian and East European Studies Major


Students must complete RUSS 112 or pass a proficiency test at an intermediate level in Russian or another East European language

The major consists of a minimum of nine courses:

REES 241/ART 241/HIST 241History, Art and Culture of Russia and Eastern Europe

Six approved electives: At least two electives must be in the Humanities and at least two electives must be in the Social Sciences.

A Theory elective from:

HIST 206The Politics and Practice of History

REL 240Theories of Religion

GOVT 309Scope and Methods of Political Science

A capstone elective from:

HIST 354Seminar: World War I

REES 460Reading and Research in Russian/ East European Studies

REES 495-496Thesis

Additional major electives:

Six approved electives

Six additional electives selected in consultation with the program chair.

REES majors are strongly urged to participate in a study-abroad program in Russia or Eastern Europe during a summer, semester, or yearlong program as part of their studies.