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2017-2018 Catalog

Advising and Co-Curricular Activities

Erica L. D’Agostino

B.A. (Lafayette), M.A. (Seton Hall), Ed.D. (Seton Hall)

Dean of Advising & Co-Curricular Programs

Karen Clemence

B.A. (DePauw), M.P.A. (Lehigh)

Senior Associate Dean of the College

Julia A. Goldberg

B.A., M.A. (Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Ph.D. (Cambridge)

Associate Dean of the College

Christopher Selena

B.A. (Shippensburg), M.S. (West Chester), Ed.D. (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)

Associate Dean Advising & Co-Curricular Programs

Brandon D. Morris 

B.A. (University of Delaware), M.A. (University of Delaware)

First Year Class Dean/Fellowship Adviser

Tingting Kang 

Ph.D. (Northern Arizona University)

Multi-Language Support Specialist