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2018-2019 Catalog

Disability Services

Lafayette College is committed to ensuring reasonable accommodations to students who are substantially limited by a documented disability.  Lafayette students with physical, psychological and/or learning disabilities have met the same competitive requirements for admission as all other Lafayette students.  Once admitted, students may request support services in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA). All accommodations requests can be forwarded to the ATTIC.

Due to the confidential nature of disability issues, students must specifically request that letters of accommodation be forwarded to each professor, from whom they expect to request accommodation, each semester. Accommodation letters inform faculty members of a student's eligibility for accommodations and provide an overview of approved accommodations. Students in need of disability accommodation should make an appointment to discuss the accommodations with their professors during the first two weeks of classes. Students requesting accommodations for the first time should allow 10 business days for review of documentation and supporting material. Students wishing to take an exam or other evaluation with verified accommodations should provide 7 days of notice of their intent to utilize their accommodations. Notice is required for each evaluation in which the student wishes to utilize their accommodations.