2018-2019 Catalog

Academic Policies

Part-time students are limited to no more than two courses per semester and are charged at the prevailing part-time rate. When a part-time student reaches senior standing, however, the student may take an additional course in two of his or her last four semesters at Lafayette. The student will continue to be billed at the part-time rate. Such exceptions must be approved by the Dean of the Advising or the Registrar.

The Office of Admissions coordinates academic advising for all degree students through the appropriate department in the student's major area. These advisers are assigned when the student is accepted into a degree program. Students who have not been officially accepted into a major and special students who are not seeking entrance into a degree program are advised by the Registrar.

All part-time students are expected to follow the College's policy on Statute of Limitations for Students listed under "Graduation Requirements." It is the obligation of the student to become aware of the College's policies regarding the rights and responsibilities of students.

A part-time degree candidate wishing to enroll as a full-time student must petition the Academic Progress Committee to change to full-time status. Admission on a full-time basis is restricted to those with exemplary academic records and a minimum of five courses taken at Lafayette.

Lafayette is a member of the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC), which also includes Cedar Crest College, DeSales University, Lehigh University, Moravian College, and Muhlenberg College. LVAIC has extended to part-time degree candidates who have achieved sophomore standing the opportunity to cross-register for part-time day and evening courses. Both grades and credits earned at one of the cooperating colleges under this policy will transfer automatically to the student's home institution. Cross-registration provides the opportunity to take courses not available at the home institution and thus eases the scheduling difficulties sometimes experienced by working adults. A part-time student may enroll in a maximum of two courses through cross-registration for each year of equivalent full-time study. Fees are charged according to the policy of the host institution.