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2018-2019 Catalog

Military Science

Military Science centers on the theory and application of leadership and management fundamentals and also includes professional knowledge subjects, physical training, small unit tactics, and basic military skills. The program sponsors the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), leading to duty as a commissioned officer in the active Army, Reserves, or National Guard.

The program is a part of the United States Army Cadet Command. Classes and activities are conducted on the Lafayette and Lehigh campuses under the auspices of Lehigh University's ROTC program, which acts as the local headquarters for ROTC and Military Science instruction.

Any student may take ROTC classes during any semester. To be eligible for commissioning as an officer, however, a student must have at least two years until graduation upon entry into ROTC. Non-scholarship students incur no military obligation until their junior year. Students continuing in ROTC beyond their sophomore year may sign a contractual agreement leading to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in one of more than 20 branches of the Army upon graduation. All juniors and seniors receive tax-free monthly stipends of $450 and $500 respectively during the school year.

Four-year ROTC scholarships cover full tuition and fees and also offer a stipend and $900 per year for books. Scholarships are available to those who will be entering Lafayette College as first-year students. Two- and three-year ROTC scholarships are available once enrolled at Lafayette College (current participation in Army ROTC is not required).

All Army ROTC scholarships are awarded solely on merit, and recipients incur a military obligation.

For more information, see "Military Science" section.