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2019-2020 Catalog

Academic Probation and Academic Warning

At the end of each fall and spring semester, the Academic Progress Committee will place students on Academic Probation who are either first-year students with a cumulative grade point average below a 1.80 or students at any other class levels with cumulative grade point average below a 2.00. The probationary period is in effect from the date of the action to the end of the subsequent fall or spring semester. Students not placed on Academic Probation but having earned a semester grade point average below a 2.00 are placed on Academic Warning -- an unofficial status that is structured to assist students in guarding against academic probationary status. The warning period is also in effect from the date of the action until the end of the following semester. 

A student on Academic Probation may be required to withdraw unless during the next semester that student shows improvement sufficient to demonstrate clear promise of eventual graduation as noted below under Required Withdrawal for Academic Reasons.

First-year students on Academic Probation may not hold office in student or social organizations, represent Lafayette College in any official capacity, or participate in fraternity or sorority pledging. 

Students receiving financial aid are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid for information about how grade point averages and earned credits totals may effect financial aid eligibility for state, federal, and/or Lafayette College aid. Details can be found at