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2019-2020 Catalog


According to faculty policy, an Incomplete is given only when the student has been unable to complete the work of the course for some reason outside the student's control and has been completing passing work in the course up to that point. When an Incomplete is given, the faculty member should indicate to the Dean of Advising or the Registrar the reason for the Incomplete and give an assessment of the student's work to date.

The student must make arrangements with the instructor as to the timing and manner by which the Incomplete is to be satisfied.

Normally, an Incomplete is to be made up by the end of the second week of the following semester. The instructor may specify a longer period of time after consultation with the Dean of Advising, but all work must be completed and a grade assigned no later than the first day of classes of the second semester of attendance subsequent to the Incomplete. If the instructor specifies a period longer than two weeks, the reason for the longer period and the date established for the completion of the outstanding coursework must be stated in writing to the student with copies to the student's adviser, to the Dean of Advising, and to the Registrar.

Unless the coursework is completed and a grade assigned by the instructor by the end of the specified period, the Registrar will automatically replace the Incomplete with an F.

A student with more than two pending Incompletes will not be permitted to begin a new academic year.