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2020-2021 Catalog

Italian Studies Minor

Coordinator: Professor Cummings (Music)


The minor consists of a minimum of six courses:

ART 223Italian Renaissance Art


ART 226Age of Michelangelo


CL 101Survey of European Literature I


HIST 222Reformation to Revolution: Early Modern Europe


MUS 260[Italian] Music and [Italian] Identity

Three electives

Electives: At least one elective must be at the 300-level. Electives are selected in consultation with the program coordinator.

Minor Electives

ART 216Byzantine Art

ART 221Ancient Art

ART 223Italian Renaissance Art

ART 224Baroque Art

ART 226Age of Michelangelo

ART 340Seminar in Art History

CL 101Survey of European Literature I

CLSS 103Classical Mythology

CLSS 123Roman Military and Warfare

CLSS 230Insiders and Outsiders in Ancient Rome

CLSS 335Roman Technology and Engineering

GOVT 331Politics of the European Union

GOVT 412Politics of European Integration

HIST 115The Crusades

HIST 202History of Ancient Rome

HIST 208The Middle East (1200-1700): Arabs, Crusaders, Mongols, Turks and More

HIST 221Rome to Renaissance: Medieval Europe

HIST 222Reformation to Revolution: Early Modern Europe

INDS 105Language and History: Renaissance Italy

LAT 101Elementary Latin I

LAT 102Elementary Latin II

LAT 111Intermediate Latin I

LAT 112Intermediate Latin II

LAT 211Advanced Latin

INDS 214Journey to Rome: Approaching and Exploring the Eternal City

MUS 272Experiencing Opera

MUS 372Experiencing Opera: Masterpieces of Italian Opera from the Beginnings of Opera to the Barber of Seville

PHIL 214First Philosophers

REL 214Christianity: From Jesus to the Third Millennium

REL 301Philosophies of Religion

Italian (ITAL) Courses through LVAIC program at DeSales may be included