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2020-2021 Catalog

Latin American and Caribbean Studies Minor

Coordinator: Associate Professor Hendrickson (Religious Studies)


The minor consists of a minimum of six courses:

Course are selected in consultation with the program coordinator and must include and upper level elective, independent study, internship, or thesis and be directed by a faculty member affiliated with the minor.

Students are asked to demonstrate proficiency through the intermediate level in a language relevant to the study of Latin America and the Caribbean. Spanish is recommended.

Electives may be selected from:

A&S 203

A&S 206

A&S 207

A&S 208Mapping Identities: Race, Ethnicity, & Residential Segregation in 1920’s Easton, PA

EGRS 480Sustainable Solutions

GOVT 227Latin American Political History from the Conquest to the Present

HIST 106

HIST 245Latin America: The Colonial Period

HIST 246Latin America: The National Period

HIST 345Colloquium: Histories of Argentina

MUS 232

SPAN 304Texts and Contexts: Latin America (pre-1900)

SPAN 314Texts and Contexts: Latin America (post-1900)

SPAN 317Visual Cultures of US Latinx

SPAN 318Survey of Spanish American Literature II

SPAN 370Seminar on Translation

SPAN 421Seminar in the Literature and Culture of the New World

SPAN 428Seminar in Modern Spanish American Literature and Culture

SPAN 435Research Seminar in Hispanic Literature and Civilization