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2022-2023 Catalog

Payments and Penalties

All college fees must be paid in full at an established date prior to the start of each semester. The student will not be permitted to register or to attend classes until the account is paid in full or until satisfactory arrangements for payment are made with the Controller's Office. Failure to comply will result in both the withdrawal of the student for the current semester and a refusal of permission to register for subsequent semesters. The Registrar will not release the transcript of a student whose account has not been paid in full. International students are required to make all payments in the form of an international money order or a check that is drawn on and collectible by a United States bank. Upon request, the College will provide instructions for the wire transfer of payment to the College.

The penalty fee for failure to register within the scheduled period is $50 unless excused by the Dean of Advising. Failure to follow the established procedures in changing one's schedule results in a $50 penalty. The penalty for late payment of fees is $300.

Checks returned by the payor's bank will be subject to a $25 fee. The amount of the check, plus the $25 penalty, must be received by the Controller's Office not later than one week after notification.  

Veterans or their dependents taking advantage of Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 benefits under the GI Bill® will not be imposed penalties, late fees, or other holds due to delayed payments from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.   Students are required to submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement of benefits to the Education Liaison Representative (ELR) in the Office of the Registrar ( no later than the start of  the term in which the student wishes to use benefits.

 GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website