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- 300
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AFS - Africana Studies
AGS - Aging Studies
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ART - Art
A&S - Anthropology and Sociology
ASIA - Asian Studies
BIOL - Biology
CE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CL - Comparative Literature
CLSS - Classics
CM - Computational Methods
CS - Computer Science
DS - Data Science
DOC - Documentary Storymaking
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EGRS - Engineering Studies
ENG - English
ES - Engineering Science
EVSC - Environmental Science
EVST - Environmental Studies
FAMS - Film and Media Studies
FLL - Foreign Languages and Literatures
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FYS - First Year Seminar
GEOL - Geology and Environmental Geosciences
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GOVT - Government and Law
GRK - Greek
HEBR - Hebrew
HIST - History
IA - International Affairs
INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INS - A.B. in International Studies
JAPN - Japanese
JS - Jewish Studies
LACS - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LAT - Latin
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MS - Military Science
MUS - Music
NEUR - Neuroscience
ORGS - Organizational Studies
PHIL - Philosophy
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PSTD - Policy Studies
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REES - Russian and East European Studies
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RUSS - Russian
SPAN - Spanish
SPAN 303
SPAN 304
SPAN 305
SPAN 310
SPAN 311
SPAN 313
SPAN 314
SPAN 315
SPAN 316
SPAN 317
SPAN 318
SPAN 340
SPAN 341
SPAN 342
SPAN 343
SPAN 344
SPAN 345
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SPAN 370
THTR - Theater
WGS - Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
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SPAN 303
Texts and Contexts: Iberia (pre-1900)
SPAN 304
Texts and Contexts: Latin America (pre-1900)
SPAN 305
Text and Contexts: US Latinx
SPAN 310
Survey of Spanish Literature I
SPAN 311
Survey of Spanish Literature II
SPAN 313
Texts and Contexts: Iberia (post-1900)
SPAN 314
Texts and Contexts: Latin America (post-1900)
SPAN 315
Introduction to Visual Cultures of the Iberian Peninsula: Spanish Culture and Society through Film
SPAN 316
Visual Cultures of Latin America
SPAN 317
Visual Cultures of US Latinx
SPAN 318
Survey of Spanish American Literature II
SPAN 340
Latin American Crime Fiction
SPAN 341
Topics in LGBTQ+ Literature and Cultures
SPAN 342
Latin American Youth Cultures
SPAN 343
Images of Immigration in Spain
SPAN 344
Hispanic Caribbeans in NYC
SPAN 345
Indigenous Philosophies and Cultural Productions
SPAN 346
Introduction to Caribbean Studies
SPAN 347
Afro-descendent Writers in the Hispanic Caribbean
SPAN 370
Seminar on Translation
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SPAN - Spanish