2017-2018 Catalog

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Department Head

Associate Professor L. Anderson

Chemical engineers discover and implement new processes and products that are useful and economical. The chemical engineering profession has evolved in concert with the technological landmarks of the last century: from petroleum refining at the beginning of the last century, to the biotechnology and biomedical developments, innovations in digital communications and microelectronics, and nanotechnology.

Lafayette chemical engineers are well suited to take on these challenges. Our curriculum emphasizes general proficiency in science and mathematics the first two years, followed by professionally oriented work the next two. Students may enroll in technical electives to learn more about a variety of areas. Students who do well may take on an independent research project, and seniors may complete a thesis.

The main laboratories are equipped for work on bench-scale and pilot scale equipment in the areas of fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer, separation processes and chemical reactor design. The department is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Committee of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Graduates are eligible to become members of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

The goals of the program are to graduate students who:

  • Are able to tackle unfamiliar problems and demonstrate an ability to understand, formulate, analyze, design and provide solutions in the field of chemical engineering
  • Demonstrate professional responsibility, addressing economic, sustainability, and environmental considerations in the solution of engineering problems in both local and global settings
  • Work well in multi-disciplinary teams and appreciate the value of multiple perspectives in engineering problem solving
  • Explain and defend their solutions and communicate effectively using graphic, verbal and written techniques to all audiences
  • Value mentoring, life-long learning and developing the talents of others and by accomplishing these objectives become effective leaders in engineering.

Chemical Engineering Courses