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2017-2018 Catalog

Mechanical Engineering

Department Head

Associate Professor Helm

Like all engineers, mechanical engineers are problem solvers. They design, develop, and construct internal combustion engines, machinery, power plants, transportation vehicles, and biomedical devices. They work in manufacturing, marketing, management, research, education, and system design and development.

The department offers a comprehensive program that prepares students for professional work or further study. The curriculum includes a solid grounding in mathematics, science, and technology, along with electives in the humanities and social sciences. Design, a central component of mechanical engineering, is integrated throughout the curriculum. Students use contemporary engineering computer software and apply modern manufacturing processes in creating and constructing their design projects. Facilities include laboratories for modern manufacturing designs, internal combustion engines, thermo-fluids, controls, instrumentation, precision measurement, and materials. All majors do a year-long senior design project. Seniors may elect to do independent study or honors thesis research.

Mechanical Engineering Courses