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- GOVT - Government and Law
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GOVT - Government and Law
GOVT 101
Introduction to United States Politics
GOVT 102
Introduction to International Politics
GOVT 103
Introduction to Comparative Politics
GOVT 104
Introduction to Political Theory
GOVT 207
Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics
GOVT 211
State and Local Government and Politics
GOVT 213
Law and Society
GOVT 215
Campaigns and Elections in the U.S.
GOVT 218
Politics of Public Policy
GOVT 220
The United States and Latin American Relations
GOVT 223
Politics of Africa
GOVT 225
Politics of Russia, the Other Post-Soviet States, and Eastern Europe
GOVT 226
Political Regimes and Regime Change
GOVT 227
Latin American Political History from the Conquest to the Present
GOVT 228
Democratization and Democratic Breakdown
GOVT 229
Post-Cold War Political Regimes
GOVT 230
International Politics of the Middle East and Persian Gulf
GOVT 231
Global Environmental Politics
GOVT 232
International Political Economy
GOVT 235
International Law and Organization
GOVT 238
East Asian International Relations
GOVT 241
The Politics of Fashion
GOVT 242
African American Political Thought
GOVT 244
Modern Political Theory
GOVT 245
Early American Political Thought
GOVT 246
Recent American Political Thought
GOVT 248
Capitalism and its Critics
GOVT 258
Political Opinion and Participation in the U.S.
GOVT 270
Chinese Foreign Policy
GOVT 275
Political Analysis
GOVT 309
Scope and Methods of Political Science
GOVT 310
Politics, Policy, and Law in American Federalism
GOVT 311
Constitutional Law and Politics in the United States
GOVT 313
First Amendment in the United States: Law and Politics
GOVT 314
Liberty in the United States: Law and Politics
GOVT 315
Equality in the United States: Law and Politics
GOVT 317
Inequality and the American State
GOVT 320
The Presidency and Executive Politics
GOVT 321
Congress and the Legislative Process
GOVT 331
Politics of the European Union
GOVT 332
Globalization and Security
GOVT 334
American Security Policy
GOVT 336
International Conflict
GOVT 341
Contemporary Political Thought
GOVT 342
Conservative Political Thought: From Old Right to Alt-Right
GOVT 366-367
Special Topics
GOVT 380
GOVT 390-391
Independent Study
GOVT 405
US Foreign Policy in a Changing World
GOVT 407
Law and Social Movements
GOVT 410
Personality and Supreme Court Decision Making
GOVT 412
Politics of European Integration
GOVT 414
Political Thought through Literature
GOVT 415
Nationalism in World Politics
GOVT 416
Critical Theory: Power and Resistance
GOVT 418
Race, Prisons, Citizenship
GOVT 419
Global Governance
GOVT 420
Issues in Contemporary Latin American Politics
GOVT 421
American Political Economy
GOVT 422
Britain and Brexit
GOVT 423
The Radical Right: Rage, Race, Conspiracy
GOVT 495-496
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