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- REL - Religious Studies
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AFS - Africana Studies
AMS - American Studies
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CE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
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EVST - Environmental Studies
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JS - Jewish Studies
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REES - Russian and East European Studies
REL - Religious Studies
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REL - Religious Studies
REL 101
Religions in World Cultures
REL 102
Contemporary Religious Issues
REL 103
Religion, Myth, and Fantasy
REL 104
Saints, Mystics, Ecstatics
REL 201
The Biblical Imagination: Torah, Prophets, Writings
REL 202
Christian Scriptures
REL 203
Religion and the Literary Imagination
REL 204
India's Religious Texts: Sacred Word, Sacred Sound
REL 207
The Quran
REL 209
Sacred and Scared: Strange Tales and Popular Religions in East Asia
REL 211
Hinduism: Unities and Diversity
REL 212
Buddhism: From India to Asia and Beyond
REL 213
Judaism: Faith, Communities, Identity
REL 214
Christianity: From Jesus to the Third Millennium
REL 215
Islam: History, Faith, and Practice
REL 216
Religions in Africa: Contemporary and Historical Expressions
REL 217
Latina/o Religions: Not Just Catholicism
REL 218
Confucianism: Self and Society
REL 222
Interreligious Cooperation and Conflict
REL 223
Religious Healing and Health
REL 224
Religious Ethics
REL 225
Sex, Gender, and Religion
REL 226
Jewish-Christian Relations: From Enmity to Dialogue?
REL 228
Religion and Politics in Africa
REL 231
Religions in American History and Culture
REL 232
Religions in Latin America
REL 233
Female Divinities and Demons in East Asia
REL 240
Theories of Religion
REL 250
Anthropology of Religion
REL 260
Global Muslim Literature and Film
REL 301
Philosophies of Religion
REL 304
Spirituality and Transformation: From Sufism to Self-Help
REL 306
Jewish Responses to the Holocaust
REL 307
Jews in Poland, Culture and Memory
REL 308
Visual Culture and Religious Identity
REL 309
Jews in the Americas
REL 310
Sacrifice: Ritual and Violence
REL 312
Religious Body and Sexuality (Asia Focused)
REL 322
Spirits of Capitalism: Spirit Possession and Witchcraft in Africa and the Diaspora
REL 325
20th-Century African American Religions
REL 340
Culture, Life and Death in Islamic West Africa
REL 350
Religions on the Move Dynamic Approaches to the Religious History of the Americas
REL 351-360
Special Topics
REL 390-391
Independent Study
REL 490
Senior Capstone
REL 495-496
Honors Thesis
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