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- INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
2023-2024 Catalog
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AFS - Africana Studies
AMS - American Studies
ARB - Arabic
ART - Art
A&S - Anthropology and Sociology
ASIA - Asian Studies
BIOL - Biology
CE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CL - Comparative Literature
CLSS - Classics
CM - Computational Methods
CS - Computer Science
DS - Data Science
DOC - Documentary Storymaking
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EGRS - Engineering Studies
ENG - English
ES - Engineering Science
EVSC - Environmental Science
EVST - Environmental Studies
FAMS - Film and Media Studies
FLL - Foreign Languages and Literatures
FREN - French
FYS - First Year Seminar
GEOL - Geology and Environmental Geosciences
GERM - German
GOVT - Government and Law
GRK - Greek
HEBR - Hebrew
HIST - History
IA - International Affairs
INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INS - A.B. in International Studies
JAPN - Japanese
JS - Jewish Studies
LACS - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LAT - Latin
LLS - Languages and Literary Studies
MATH - Mathematics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MS - Military Science
MUS - Music
NEUR - Neuroscience
ORGS - Organizational Studies
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PSTD - Policy Studies
PSYC - Psychology
REES - Russian and East European Studies
REL - Religious Studies
RUSS - Russian
SPAN - Spanish
THTR - Theater
WGS - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
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INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INDS 105
Language and History: Renaissance Italy
INDS 128
China: An Ancient Civilization and New Global Power
INDS 140
A History of Japanese Culture and Government, 400-1600 A.D.
INDS 145
India: Faces of Globalization-Impact and Challenges
INDS 170
Modern Sub-Saharan Africa: Kenya and Tanzania
INDS 171
Madagascar-Lafayette Initiative for Malagasy Education (LIME)
INDS 172
Voices of South Africa: Cultural Diversity, Hegemony and Agency
INDS 174
Global Senegal: Alternative Modalities
INDS 184
South Africa's Past and Present: History, Social Justice, and Post-Apartheid Futures
INDS 191
The Cuban Revolution and its Social Impact: Focus on Social, Environmental and Agricultural Aspects
INDS 201
From Plate to Plate: Terroir and the Geology and Agriculture of Food in Italy
INDS 202
A Journey through the German-Speaking World: Exploring its History, Society, and the Arts
INDS 208
Exploring Peru's Indigenous Populations in the Modern Day
INDS 211
Interdisciplinary Seminars in Life Sciences: Symposia on Biomedicine, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, and Environmental Science
INDS 214
Journey to Rome: Approaching and Exploring the Eternal City
INDS 222
Engineers without Borders Practicum
INDS 223
Social Entrepreneurship
INDS 224
The Cultures and Landscapes of Greece: Perspectives of Writer, Ancient and Modern
INDS 226
Constructing Madrid, Spain, and Iberian Worlds
INDS 240
From Generosity to Justice: Addressing Social Problems through Action and Reflection
INDS 245
Social, Economic and Ethical Issues in Health Care in the US and UK
INDS 253
Being Human in STEM
INDS 271
Social Values and Technology in Historic Architecture
INDS 279
Conflict in Eastern Europe: Past and Present
INDS 280
The Three Faces of Russia: Imperial, Soviet, and Modern
INDS 281
London and Dublin Theater
INDS 321-322
Technology Clinic
INDS 330
Grand Challenges Project
INDS 331
Current Issues for Health, the Life Sciences, and Society
INDS 361
The Gothic Cathedral: Structural Rationalism
INDS 371
Health Care Internship
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