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- FYS - First Year Seminar
2017-2018 Catalog
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AFS - Africana Studies
AGS - Aging Studies
AMS - American Studies
ARB - Arabic
ART - Art
A&S - Anthropology and Sociology
ASIA - Asian Studies
BIOL - Biology
CE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CL - Comparative Literature
CLSS - Classics
CM - Computational Methods
CS - Computer Science
DOC - Documentary Storymaking
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EGRS - Engineering Studies
ENG - English
ES - Engineering Science
EVSC - Environmental Science
EVST - Environmental Studies
FAMS - Film and Media Studies
FLL - Foreign Languages and Literatures
FREN - French
FYS - First Year Seminar
GEOL - Geology and Environmental Geosciences
GERM - German
GOVT - Government and Law
GRK - Greek
HEBR - Hebrew
HIST - History
IA - International Affairs
INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INS - A.B. in International Studies
JAPN - Japanese
LACS - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LAT - Latin
MATH - Mathematics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MS - Military Science
MUS - Music
NEUR - Neuroscience
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PSTD - Policy Studies
PSYC - Psychology
REES - Russian and East European Studies
REL - Religious Studies
RUSS - Russian
SPAN - Spanish
THTR - Theater
WGS - Women's and Gender Studies
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FYS - First Year Seminar
FYS 011
International Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World
FYS 012
Photography and Race in America
FYS 013
FYS 014
Individualism in American Culture, Character, and Society
FYS 015
The Endurance of Race
FYS 016
Zombies! From Slaves to Cannibals
FYS 018
Ten Ways to Know Nature
FYS 019
From Magical Mushrooms to Cereal Killers: How Fungi Have Shaped Human Civilization
FYS 020
FYS 021
Masculinities: Maleness in Contemporary American Culture
FYS 022
Cinema, Mind, and Morals
FYS 023
Baseball: The One Constant Through All The Years
FYS 024
Human Aggression and Social Pathology
FYS 028
Money: The Root of all Evil?
FYS 031
What Is a Miracle
FYS 036
Trials of the Century
FYS 038
Animal Voices
FYS 039
Music and Gender
FYS 040
Geological Disasters: Agents of Chaos
FYS 041
Crazy in Love: Romantic Love in the Western World
FYS 043
FYS 044
Multiculturalism in the Medieval Mediterranean World
FYS 045
FYS 048
FYS 049
Global Food
FYS 050
Miles Davis: Popular Music and Race in America
FYS 051
Toward Cultural Literacy: De-mystifying the Non-Western World
FYS 052
The Great Late Soviet Union
FYS 055
Leaving Downtown: Race, Ethnicity, and the Creation of the Suburbs
FYS 057
Politics and Polling
FYS 059
Feed the World
FYS 061
Your Immune System: Friend or Foe?
FYS 064
Global Justice
FYS 065
The Uses and Abuses of Science in Science Fiction
FYS 070
Oil, Politics, and the Environment
FYS 071
Race and Class
FYS 073
Technology and the City: Chicago and New York
FYS 076
Land of Mystery: The Language and Culture of Modern China
FYS 077
The Dog Course
FYS 078
FYS 080
Creature: Animals in Contemporary Culture
FYS 083
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
FYS 084
Music, Art, and Literature in the Year 1944-1945
FYS 085
Asian Martial Arts in the West
FYS 086
FYS 089
FYS 090
Life Writing
FYS 091
Serious Games and Critical Contexts
FYS 092
Forging the Human: Sci-Fi and Fantasy in Russian and East-European Culture
FYS 094
FYS 095
Visualizing Immigration
FYS 096
Civil Engagement, Leadership, and Social Change
FYS 104
Encounters with Infinity
FYS 106
Mate Choice: From People to Peacocks
FYS 107
Innovation of Warfare
FYS 109
Understanding Design
FYS 111
Social Justice and the Birth of the Interfaith Movement
FYS 112
Once Upon a Time: Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm to Disney and Beyond
FYS 114
The Values of Cinema
FYS 116
The Manipulation of Appearances
FYS 118
FYS 120
Theater and Visual Culture
FYS 122
Psychology and the Media
FYS 124
Meaning and Morality in Fiction
FYS 125
Love and War in Indian Thought
FYS 126
Satire, Media, and Politics
FYS 128
Germany's Third Reich
FYS 129
War Stories
FYS 131
Order and Justice in the World Community: The Resolution of National Disputes
FYS 132
Pursuits of Happiness
FYS 133
Human Flight: Magic and Madness
FYS 136
Learning Science
FYS 138
Theater and Social Justice
FYS 141
The Mathematics of Social Justice
FYS 142
Taking It To The Streets: The Theory And Practice Of Community Arts In Urban America
FYS 145
Quilts: Fabric that Communicates
FYS 147
A War within a War: The American Bombing Campaigns against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan
FYS 148
Melding Mind and Machine
FYS 151
In the Media
FYS 155
Asian Immigration and Assimilation into America
FYS 156
Narratives of Mental Illness
FYS 157
Islands and Isolation
FYS 158
Nonviolence: Theory and Practice
FYS 162
Music in European Society
FYS 165
Stories from the Archive
FYS 169
The 1960s: The Causes and the Effects of Social Change
FYS 171
The Sounds of Silence
FYS 173
FYS 174
This IsYour Brain on Drugs
FYS 175
Science or Pseudoscience?
FYS 176
America at War in the 20th Century
FYS 178
Mental Illnesss, Disability Studies, and Popular Culture
FYS 179
Leveraging Social Entrepreneurship to Alleviate Poverty and Unfreedoms
FYS 183
A Sense of Place: Gender, Environmentalism, and the First-Year Experience.
FYS 189
Silk Roads and Sea
FYS 190
Biology of Women
FYS 192
Facing the Fetus: Perspectives on the Abortion Controversy
FYS 193
Meaning in Light: Cinema and Philosophy
FYS 195
Russia Today
FYS 196
Exploring Chinese Culture
FYS 197
Deconstructing "Africa"
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